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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Club Penguin Music Jam 2011

Music Jam 2011

  • I would like to meet the NEW Penguin Band on Club Penguin; consisting of G Billy, Franky, Petey K, and Stompin’ Bob. According to the Club Penguin Times, the Penguin Band will make several appearances during the Music Jam. You will be able to pick-up a free Autographed Background from any one of the Penguin Band Members.
  • I would also like to meet Cadence, also known as DJ Cadence, on Club Penguin. I haven’t heard from Aunt Arctic via the Penguin Times on whether Cadence will be making an appearance at the Music Jam, but I certainly hope she does. Like the Penguin Band, Cadence also hands out Free Autographed Backgrounds.
  • While Gary the Gadget Guy’s Music Maker 3000 can already give penguins the ability to play their own tunes, I would like the Gadget Guy to invent a new Device; perhaps, one that allows penguins to create there OWN custom Igloo Music. I, for one, would enjoy mixing my own music with Club Penguin via a Keyboard, Guitar, and Bass.
  • I would like to see NEW Music for the Music Jam, not the same old “boring” Music that the Island has featured during past Music Events. I am sure that I am going far beyond reasonable, but why can’t Lady Gaga have one of her tunes embedded on Club Penguin? And Girls, I do NOT like Justin Bieber, so that’s out of the question.
  • What about new Clothing Items and Free Items? I am clearly sick of seeing Old Items brought back into the Game. Personally, I find the “newer items” to be more attractive, as interactive web design has been on the rise since the development of Club Penguin in 2005.
  • Really? The same OLD Music Jam Dock? While Club Penguin has only released the Music Jam Construction / Party Decorations, it is fairly evident that the Dock will feature few, if any, changes. But hey, I could be wrong.
  • I can meet the Penguin Band and Cadence during the Music Jam. I don’t have anything else to do. Why can’t we have a Music Quest or a Music Note Hunt like the Halloween Party, Medieval Party, and Island Adventure Party? The Fall Fair has Games; why can’t the Music Jam Party also have Music Games?
Clearly, I have written an article on an Opinionated and Biased Music Jam. What do you think? Leave a comment on our Music Jam Story entitled Club Penguin Music Jam 2011.

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